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Managing Your Subscription

In all email messages, please ensure that your return address is the one you used when you became a subscriber to Confrat-L.

Essential email addresses

Useful commands

Confrat-L is hosted by the University of Toronto using LISTSERV software. What follows is a brief list of commonly used commands. When you send a message to, please do not include a subject heading or any text in the body of your message except for the command.

REVIEW Confrat-LObtain the subscriber list
INDEX Confrat-LOrder a list of Confrat-L files (i.e., monthly logs)
GET filename filetype Order a file from Confrat-L’s archive
SEARCH Confrat-L keywordKeyword search of Confrat-L’s archive
SET Confrat-L NOMAIL Suspend mail temporarily
SET Confrat-L MAILRestore active status after the above command
SIGNOFF Confrat-LRemove yourself from Confrat-L

There are many more commands, which are explained at

If you prefer, you can access Confrat-L through the LISTSERV web interface at